In a place where there are no kings allowed as the citizens believe having only having a queen makes them more powerful because historically speaking, the last king was a traitor to them when danger came their way causing millions of casualties. That meant there was never a heir to the throne meaning that they needed a way for girls to prove they're worthy to take the crown and throne. The way they did this was after a queen died her nearest family (brother, cousin, sister, aunt, uncle e.c.t) called out 5 random girls names off of a list of all the girls in town. the 5 girls need to survive 24 hours with everyone in town hunting them down. Also make sure they are the only of the 5 left at the end by killing the others or making sure they are dead. if more than one person is left they need to fight each other without physical contact like throwing things at each other also while being blind folded. ----- I see a mini circle like thing with bolts of red going through it. He is wearing gloves to protect his skin and flesh sizzling on that surface of the ball. He brings his elbow behind his shoulder and in motion brings his arm forward and let's go. I notice that it a fire bull. Getting ready to duck as these are fatal. My studies of weapons are now helping. 3. 2. 1. DUCK! ----- I'm going to get very mythological but I'm not only going to use a certain type so I may go from Japanese to french in a gap of 2 minutes. ⚠️ ⚠️ There are some swearing and blood and gory bits in this. Just warning you. ⚠️ ⚠️All Rights Reserved