Yuto Kurosaki, better known as Yuto Akishiro is a half demon going to a high school called Kisaragi Academy, a school dedicated to teaching supernatural creatures like himself, discovers something that he never knew before: He has memory loss. Unable to recall the events four years ago and beyond that Yuto forgot who he was and the tragedy that befell upon him thanks to his guardian angel, Yuya Sakaki. A boy he fell in love with at first sight on what he thought was their first meeting but was actually a boy and a love he had forgotten. Regaining his memories he tries desperately to try and bring his broken family back together while fighting an evil along the way. Author's Note: This is mainly a CounterpartShipping fanfic, however there will be some PawnShipping as well since it has all four of them in here. This is also an AU world where they are Supernatural creatures Yuto being a half demon, Yuri being full demon, Yugo and Archangel, and Yuya being a Guardian Angel.