Under a thin layer of fear, lays a love that may come to the surface; only if it is allowed to.
~Galadhël does not know what to expect when someone knocks on her door. Approaching it, Lord Elrond is revealed on the other side, wearing a stoic mask that does not ease her worry. Looking in the eyes of the elf that has raised her, she does not know what to expect from it.
"What bothers you?" She says, concern dancing in her voice. Lord Elrond looks at her and takes her hands, wrapping them with warmth. "You know of Mirkwood, do you not?" Asks the half-elven lord, searching her eyes when she frowns, nodding. "I have been summoned to discuss the growing darkness of the forest, and I am afraid you must come with me." She nods again, not comprehending the worry in his eyes. "You will remain there even when I come back, your help is required. For how long, I do not know."
DISCLAIMER: I do not own or claim any of the Lord of the rings characters or places created by J.R.R.Tolkien, but those created by my own.
First Published: 26 March 2020.
Farewell, my friends!