Youth! The young shoot That decorates the Savannah and maps. On every edge, corner and land Till it gets to the tip of that gun-like boundary, You are there– a shoot with scattered roots. Just a shoot– left without tending. Intending shoots without proper tending Remain unattended to And then lose their power to later fend. The shoots if attended to Could have become a huge Iroko or Afara tree And serve as windbreak– a break from impending fiend. Albeit, discovery cannot be made with languidness. The shoots with potentials Have been uprooted– in the stead of being pruned. Oh! That shoot I see ahead; Why does it taper as if tampered with? Another building force has been tampered with, Unexplored. The corners and edges that used to allow the shoots Now lie fallow– with no nutrient, manure or frustrating. How can the shoots display their splendour When the ardour has been tapped off them By powers that cause the edges to be fallow? The fallows have to be hallowed even as the shoots grumble. How can we know the shoots that can be highly medicinal? How can the shoot gifted with abundance be discovered? How can the shoot blessed with multiple functions be appraised? When the the powers have been manipulated– Hence, blindfolded. The blindfolded cannot explore; The young, potentially strong shoots– Unexplored. The young shoots now cry for foreign cravings. Foreign edges, crooked corners; They have not been there but they want to dare. The shoots shoot the adage of a devil known Is better than an angel unknown. All they care for is the liberty of being explored. © HayzedAll Rights Reserved
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