Dear Diary, Of my 21- No, 22 years of life I've always felt like I didn't fit in. I wasn't handsome enough. I wasn't light enough. I wasn't popular. I wasn't all that athletic and though I was in band and theater in high school, I wasn't the best at being musically talented and I was a sub par actor. I've made many mistakes in my life. Ones that I both regret and not regret. Some that I will make again and some that I will never make again. But like most humans. I learned. I learned to grow up. I've learned to get a better understanding in life. I've learned that every action has a reaction. I've learned that not everything deserves my attention. I've also learned what stupidly is. But mostly I've learned to love myself for who I am and what I am. I learned what actual love is. Along my journey to self discovery and self preservation, I've stepped on a few toes. Toes that shouldn't have been stepped on and hands that shouldn't have been bitten. I've hurt some feelings, feelings that should've never been hurt... Here is my storyTodos os Direitos Reservados
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