Death plays a game with life, and as death normally does, he does not play fair. Bestowing 9 items of chaos onto 9 harbingers of chaos during and already ensuing war for the spectacle of those above without remorse. The events unfold as seen from the eyes of normal men and women. Melana, a Village girl who finds her village put to the torch by the wars greedy flames struggles to find her way in a new world without meaning. Frode, a simple blacksmiths son who has something to prove after being walked on his entire life capitalizes on the war. these two and many other characters help the epic tale of friendship and adversity unfold. ... "at first I thought this book would suck but after reading it I know it just blows!" ~ Jerry, My imaginary editor. " I read this whole god forsaken waste of electronic storage to find out there wasn't a single in depth sex scene!" Berry, Jerry's Brother. "Its ight I guess"~ all the publishers who never called me back " when you stand before me on judgement day, I want you to know this book is the reason I'm condemning you to hell" ~ Jesus Christ the Son Of God "This is why I don't pay your child support" ~ Dad