The famous films crafting dead x OC I thought I could add in my OC and end up with something different. "Hey Kade?" "Yes Dawn?" "Why do you never act hostile to the ones who try and threaten and kill you, like Kat or that doctor?" "Have you ever heard of the tale of a peace full man brought to war?" "No I don't think I have, why?" "Well the story is about a pacifist who has to go to war and he tries to be peaceful but then he is brought to war and help his side win." "What the point of story?" "The point of the story is that a peaceful man turned to a violent man is more powerful than an army." "So what are you the peaceful man?" "I try to be..., but when I full of fury I'm more powerful than an army." "That's a bit prideful of you to say isn't it?" "I wish it was."All Rights Reserved