'Dystopian' became a reality last year in 2020. This work is a day-by-day update on the 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic from the 'bubble' of my home in Inglewood, New Zealand. The lockdown for myself and my family began on the 24th of March 2020 and the lockdown for the province where I live (Taranaki) came out of lockdown to a level 1 in which gives us almost total freedom. No masks, no social distancing; Covid virus does not exist in my province. However, the largest city in New Zealand has been in and out of total lockdown and still has active cases. My close family and some extended family committed to creating an image a day and sharing them during our lockdown. Each day, a different family member chose the medium and the subject. I chose to work to spiritualise each image I made which was a challenge because in my family the ages go from children to teens, to young adults and then on to the oldies like me. I hope you are encouraged by this work and also blest by it and I do wish you all the blessings possible during this time of World-wide upheaval. Sincerely, CarolynAnnAish.All Rights Reserved