(No cover yet, still trying to find one)
Note: I do not own RWBY or My Hero Academia, or the characters within those respective franchises. I write this for the sole purpose of entertaining
What happens when Beacon's best meet class 1-A? What happens when the League of Villains meets the White Fang? Well you're about to find out!
While on a mission to defeat a group of villains, Izuku "Deku" Modiroya and Denki "Chargebolt" Kaminari find themselves allied with a freelance hero named Stargate. Quickly regarding him as a friend and ally, the UA students invite Stargate to a slumber party among Class 1-A. After a game of truth or dare gets out of hand, Stargate is dared to open a portal to a random destination, and accidentally opens a portal to the world of Remnant.
A few sides notes:
-I will be using Volume 3 RWBY for the sake of this story, as it allows the use of Beacon Academy and certain characters such as Roman Torchwick and Pyrrha Nikos. That said, the chronology of the My Hero Academia side is mostly within the present story of Season 4.
-I will try to put in any comment suggestions or ideas, but I might not be able to get them all in.
-I apologize if I'm not able to fit every MHA or RWBY character in this story, I just tried to slide in the most beloved, as well as my personal favorites.
There may be mild swearing (coughbakugocough) and mild violence, but never anything graphic. Basically, the stuff you come to expect from RWBy and MHA.
With all of that said, enjoy!!