Madi is a 17 year old girl, a daydreamer and a night thinker, she loves music and arts and a daughter of two amazing people, her mom and dad. Her dad passed away when she's 15 from a car accident, fortunately, Her mom, Jesy and Madi survived.
Clarence, a 17 year old cheater,player and a son of one of the best and successful companies in the world, his dad Jason and his mom Marissa. His mom and dad are still strong and loves each other, he has a brother named Clarkson, a innocent, smart guy, his older brother.
They're both just living their life happy, going into parties, making friends, until....
Unexpected love and life changing moment had happened with Madi and Clarence's life since their family had decided to put them in a forced relationship. But why? How will this work out? Will they continue this unexpected love? Just go with the flow? Or will they catch feelings with each other?