Everyone has dreams.
Some people are still searching for theirs,some already discovered what they want,and some are taking a few detours to another carreer.Meet the girl who's behind the cheerleading club's success these past 3 years.The girl everyone in that club hated...They call her 'the critique',the oh-so perfectionist,the girl who has a habit of misusing her tongue.Of course, it's no other than the self-proclaimed 2nd manager of the cheerleading club,Deniane Clarke.As everyone finally pushed her to quit the club she accidentally glanced at a small flyer pinned on their full bulletin board.Thinking that was her new hope to find a new dream,she placed her bet on this opportunity.It's all or nothing.But everything turned out to be harder than she thought.
More competitions.Acceptance.Frienship.LOVE.
Misunderstandings.Patience.And a lot more of patience.