At another seemingly random party, James sees a small deer trying to socialize and hang out. After chatting with him, he decides to make a move, thinking that this little guy would be a killer in bed. The deer doesn't bite though, instead naively unaware of the advances that James is making. He's trying all of his moves, even getting close and offering to take this boy back to his dorm for the night, but the deer says he has homework and that he can't.
He has to know what James is trying to do right? There's no way he's this oblivious, but he keeps acting innocently unresponsive and shooting down James' lines and tactics.
By the end of the night, a slightly tipsy James finally asks an even tipsier deer if he could go to the smaller of the two's dorm instead. The boy says that he's fine with that, yet he still can't see what is going on.
At this point, it's become a hassle to even think of continuing on, but James cant help it. Now it's a challenge.
(As the title says, this is a revamp. A completely rewritten (and free standing) story based on the book titled My Saviour in my works. I retired that book because it was very, very poorly written, but many people wanted more, so I decided to do this. I hope you enjoy, regardless of whether your read My Saviour or not. And if you did, thanks for coming back, eh?)