25 parts Complete Fear, fear is such a thing that keeps us in the dark. It is not necessary to be afraid , fear pulls us towards something that takes us towards darkness. Another name for fear is spirit, some people believe in it and some people don't. There are two types of spirit,one which only makes us feel their presence, they don't hurt us but another one pull us towards them . He tries to bring us into his world. Some people forget themselves while trying to know the spirits. And there are some people who are mixed with all these, who know everything but still pretend to be ignorant. To know about the spirit there are some studies we study. We should know only as much as we need to know, we should not know more than what is necessary and get involved in them.
A group of friends, start their journey to a place, a place which have a past, that past shows it's terrible impact . It begins to shatter their friendship.
What was the past???
Whose past was that???
Will they be able to unite and escape from there or get stuck with that for the rest of their life??