×TW: TransMen with feminine traits, TransMen pregnancy, miscarriages, bullying, self-esteem issues, oviposition, and more× Baelan Carmen Holme is a bright eyed young man, and since age 18, now 24, he has had 8 kids for LGBT+ families. No w with his first set of twins, and an excited new family, he has to figure out how to adopt the twins out. Baelan also works for a new facility that helps teenage boys, nonbinary pals, and girls deal with their pregnancies. He helps by training basic parent and baby needs, to how to take care of your body during a pregnancy. Yet, he also has his own secret only the watchers of porn sites know. He's a horny pregnancy, oviposition and belly loving fool who shows all that and more live on camera. How will Baelan balance his normal life and his kinky cam-life? Will there be too much strain on his body?All Rights Reserved
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