The fifth story in the Saiko Wylde Universe.
Set in the future, the story follows the aftermath of World War 3 and the death of Janelyn Lange / Queen Liberty, the world is finally safe. A few years later, a nuclear missile destroys the world, and people are forced to stay hidden in an underground bunker, run by a strict and ruthless Croatian princess and member of the Resistance named Rosanna Malkovich, who punished dwellers for all manners of indiscretions.
The dwellers consists a father Michael Chastain along with his wife Veronica Larson-Chastain, his only son Dennis Chastain, his family Beth Chastain and Sarah Michelle and William Chastain, his younger brother Charlie Chastain, his friends Scott Emerson, Lexi Gold, Kimberly Emerson, Josh Sweeney, Jennifer Gold, Bryan Emerson, Isaiah and Ashleigh, and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Larson. Then a pink-haired woman Ecstasy "Stacy" Miller along with her classmates Beverly Hills, Marty, Stephanie, Jeffrey, Melissa and Drake, her single father Steve Miller and two older sisters Hailee Miller and Chelsea Miller. And a businesswoman Cassie Cooper along with her husband Mason Howell, her parents Linda and Phil Cooper, and her younger brother Sam Cooper. And many more.
Before the apocalypse, Commander Blackhawk and the Resistance asked a teenage girl from Kenya to foresee the future where she predicted that the world will end, all caused by the evil Russian general named Captain Siberia by launching a nuclear missile. So he and his army must take extreme measures before it happens.
This story includes characters from A Girl Named Ecstasy, Alphabet Street, The Winter Howling and United Revolution.
Start: April 2020
Finished: November 2020
"I want to create a better world where no one hurts each other, to foster a place where love doesn't have to make hate, where no one hurts or kills anybody. A world where I don't have to hurt anybody anymore."
The First Dawn has concluded; Children of Blight are running rampant, and the last remaining Bastions of humanity are searching and killing for them for their last chance to find one to restore the earth. The World Capital stands above everyone, with a shadow government smothering the people. The power balance has been tipped for a century now- then came a girl named Armageddon, changing the world forever.
Lydia Armageddon, born on the nuclear fronts of the decimated America, was sold to be a child soldier of The World Capital and is found out as a Child of Blight, her trait being named 'Convergence.' The world is at risk of war once more, with the starting gun being fired for the race to control her.
Subject to all matters of mutilation, violation, and experimentation, she escapes Blight Laboratories and finds that the world outside is no better than the months she spent in captivity. Hatred for humanity forms, and a monster is coming to be, slowly, just as a fanatical religion predicted all those years ago. Father like daughter.
Until she decides to rob an old man sleeping by a fire with an empty gun, not knowing her life was about to be changed forever. The world prepares for the second dawn as Armageddon's child is born-their saviour.
The world looks red, and Armageddon is there in the middle of it all, atop a mountain of corpses upon Mother Earth's flesh.
March 17th, 2157: A family of three Children of Blight was found hiding on the edge of the Chinese Blight. The events that unfolded that day, as reported by the 48th Platoon of Russian Cyber-Militia, are as follows: