Hurt, pain, doubt, insecurity, temporary happiness, fear, toxic relationships, anger, anxiety, issues, and chaos. They were the unwelcome passengers on my road trip of life.
While being pregnant with my daughter Lea, I was in a really dark place and one day I met some random girl in college name Nicole, she sat next to me on the hallway floor. Her being there was making me tremble from the inside out. But it wasn't her, it was Jesus in her. The way she let Jesus take over her life, made everyone feel the presence of God. I started to sobbed and she hugged me (without knowing me) then I cried even harder. She said, "there's nothing you can do that will make God unlove you." To make the long story short, that day I surrender my life to Jesus and made a friend for life.
I decided to make this 39 days bookish of writings because when life hit us hard we need a reminder of hope, joy, faith, love, and worth. The thing that inspires me every time I find myself in great difficulty is the knowledge that God loves me unconditionally, despite all my shortcomings.
I thought to myself, I could not possibly be the only teenage girl out there who wants to grow deeper and stronger in faith. I could not possibly be the only teenage girl out there who is struggling in living the Christian life. There has got to be other teenage people out there who can relate with what I am going through.
So I had this idea of posting this for people out there to see. This is not a devotional. This is more like a faith journal. How and what I write here is like how I write in my notebook that is just between me and God. Only, I'm sharing it with you.