"Lord! AFTER THE TEST". Here comes the testimony..Doors are now opening and I'm going through them..What about you?
You've always seen me as a star..Now, I see..My Light.. SHINING Thank you, for being my present help..when, I didn't believe in myself.Now, I do and I owe it all to you.. Thank you, for the times that I yelled and asked You, God Do You Know Your Directions! and I was the one lost!😂 because, I needed Protection..and you sent an Angel my way.. Helped me make it through the night..Now, I make it, through the day! Praising Everyday..and I can laugh through pain now.. Because, I know you are my best friend now and I don't have to pretend now..I love my everyday's now, you keep making ways out of no ways! I passed the test!
"Running.. Existing.. Surviving.. Or Living..
Where are you in the Circle of Life?
Find your purpose/passion in life and work it like a job! Here is how you find your purpose..God guides you to it..My purpose is helping people.Worked as a social worker for 37 years.. Since, I was 13 years old had 31 clients too! I went on to college and earned my bachelor's in Mental Health/ Human Behavior
My supervisor at the time Mary. Believed in me!
The span of being a social worker is 2-4 years at the most! That is my purpose and my passion is..Helping people on their Journey.. what's the difference? One is what God would have me to do.. Purpose, being the difference, and Passion making a difference in someone's life, is something I would do for free.
Actually.. I'm fortunate because, both my passion and purpose match.. Once you have the will to live and determination in your mind to meet your purpose and passion and love your Truth.. Regardless of Environment and Circumstances.. Wait it out if you have to..I did..But don't you Quit! Keep your Dream Alive and Turn it into Reality!
Stay Focused!