24 Partes Concluida A story about how so many people underestimated Sanem, because of her upbringing, even Can. Just because a person is shy, respectful, and not pushy, this should not be evaluated as not smart and looked down on!
I wanted Can to show his smarts, and realize his attitude with all the women, the show threw in front of Sanem. I did not like Can's arrogance with the women. As you will be able to tell, I did not like any of them at all, especially Polen.
A lot of the time, it was just degrading, how everyone treated the character Sanem. I wanted Sanem and Can to be in love, but equal.
I also, felt like Huma, was just evil, but why? She was the mother of two adult men, why be so mean? So I made her a little different, she still thinks she is better, but not!
I also, did not like the way Sanem's parent's went from friendly to not, then forgave Leyla and Emre overnight, but never ever understood Sanem and Can.
I am not a writer, have no connection with the actors, production staff, or anyone else with Erkenci Kus. I am just a fan.
Any mistakes, misspellings, long boring chapters or story are all on me. Thank you for your patience and for reading.