THIS IS NOT AN ACTUAL PART OF THE DIAMOND SPIRIT SERIES IT IS JUST A FAN-MADE CREATION BECAUSE I NEED ONE Ideally, this would be the sixth book in the famous Australian based series Diamond Spirit by Karen Wood. The series was an absolute favourite of mine as a child, pre-teen and even now as a nearly 17 year old. This book is purely a fan made creation by myself. I love the books and wanted the series to continue bad enough to continue it myself. The description may change as I go, but from here I believe that I will write this in the POV of Jess and it may change between her and Luke. DO NOT FEAR NO MAJOR CHANGES WILL BE MADE TO THE OVERALL STORY NOR TO THE SERIES BECAUSE OF THIS. CHARACTERS WILL BE INTRODUCED BUT NONE WILL DIE... maybe ; ) Cover Photo Credits: Riders - Grass - Rights Reserved