[Inspired by SupernovaDax's upcoming web comic, Frozen Stardust] In the 33rd century, Earth has been forgotten as the discovery of cryonite, a crystal that forms on celestial bodies orbiting pulsar stars, made faster than light (FTL) travel possible and the colonization of numerous planets began. While the Earth thrived without human intervention, it wasn't completely void of it. Dr. Zoe Mulligan, a young cosmologist, has been documenting her findings as she journeys across the abandoned planet through a series of audio logs. While Freya Roscoe, an engineer and survival enthusiast, has been journaling her adventures as she scavenges through empty streets and buildings as she builds contraptions that assist in her travels. While polar opposites, they both shared a singular belief...that they were the last human on Earth. That was...until August 5th, 3237. The following is a compilation of audio logs and journal entries that lead up to their unexpected meeting. Note: The cover art, characters, cryonite and other references to Frozen Stardust belong to @SupernovaDax on Twitter. Please do support her work.Creative Commons (CC) Namensnennung
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