The Day I Questioned Life...
9 parts Complete (The first installment of the TDIQL PROJECT)
The story revolves around Joseph Brown as he drifted silently in the endless spaces of the "Hidden World", also known as the afterlife. While struggling to investigate why he ended up in this world, a memory of the past resurfaces about two ill-fated childhood friends, who suddenly took separate paths in their lives on a whirlwind of questions. They would shared a special bond linked by the memories they spent together and led each ones path to a much larger chain of events...
But Little did he know that the journey he'll take was more than just that...
In preparing this short novel, we have drawn on the works of our childhood works and intrests. We have also made use of the motivation given by our families in discovering our writing which led to its only publication on the 52nd Christmas Family Reunions held in Sta. Maria, Bulacan and Solano, Nueva Viscaya respectively.
I am indebted to Ernesto Aquino (1951-2017) and Sonia Buendia Aquino for being my main supporting staff, editors, and proof readers. I also wanted to thank Leonor Aquino and Ericson Aquino for printin and publishing; and Mary Anne Hermosa for editing and proof reading.
This is dedicated to the people who loves and support our work. All the characters, places, and contents are entirely fiction. Some depictions of dream conspiracies and theories are views expressed on our own, as whatever factual errors exist in the text.