BOOK 1 - The Flamed Box The Chronicles of Inferno is a sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure story set in the bustling, technologically advanced metropolis of Xenith. The narrative centers on 16-year-old Jason Dinsley, who inadvertently unleashes an ancient evil by opening a mysterious box, endowing him with pyromaniac powers. Joined by his tech-savvy best friend Mickey Fenton, seasoned secret agent Steven, and the intrepid reporter Lucey Patel, Jason embarks on a perilous journey. Together, they face formidable foes and unravel dark secrets to restore order. Their mission: recapture the escaped deities and save Jason's brother, Geo, from the clutches of malevolent forces. As they traverse the city's neon-lit streets and high-tech landscapes, they must overcome relentless adversaries and uncover the truth behind the ancient evil. With time running out and the fate of Xenith hanging in the balance, Jason and his allies must summon all their courage and ingenuity to succeed.