Jaskier is a nobody. He is often pushed to the side, ignored and forgotten. Nobody wants to be near him most of the time because of one little slip up in freshman year. Because of this he is always alone, barely even fitting into the club he joined a while back. One day Geralt, a very popular presence among the school, approaches the outcast and asks for help. From that point on the two become very close, even if Geralt refuses to admit it. Will Geralt find what he's missing in his songbird of a friend or lose him in the mystery that is Yennefer?
Suicide attempt(s)
Self harm
Suicidal ideation
Panic attack(s)
other shit (murder)
2 Kapitel Abgeschlossene Geschichte Erwachseneninhalt
2 Kapitel
Abgeschlossene Geschichte
"If we are to use you as bait to lure our possessed Witcher here to Kaer Morhen, do you understand what that entails?"
Jaskier nods, but he remains quiet. A slight tremor works its way into his right hand, and Yennefer smirks at its appearance.
The sorceress scoffs faintly, and she approaches him. There is something in her violet eyes, like a spark that proceeds the wildfire it causes as she comes close, her voice growing low and sharp.
"He will hunt you," Yennefer whispers, as though she is reciting some sort of spell, bewitching as she is sardonic, "You cannot hide from him. You cannot outrun him. You cannot overpower him."
Jaskier swallows, but he does not waiver. Not even as Yennefer begins to circle him.
Despite the tears in her dress and the dirt that clings to her form, she remains as entrancing as ever. It's as though she's a fever dream Jaskier can only spot from the corners of his eyes.
Her words come to Jaskier like a mirage, a silhouette muddled in fog. The only solid sensation coming from her being the race her words bring to his heart.
"You will be at the Witcher's mercy."
That should scare Jaskier.
But it doesn't.