'He had thought over and over about this, he couldn’t go on without Louis. Ever since that night he’s been tossing and turning about the thought. Today, with Eleanor and Louis it just pushed him over the edge. He saw how happy he actually was with her; like that night and all the things he said were dust. He knew they were both drunk, he knew Louis never actually cared for him. He told him, for god sake, he told him he didn’t want to kiss that boy and he refused. Harry just couldn’t say no again and quite simply couldn’t control himself. He had that perfect opportunity so it was perfectly normal for him to not want to pass it up. Who wouldn’t want to kiss the love of their life? Even a fool… ' Louis Tomlinson of the world renowned boy band "One Direction" has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (Cancer Of The Bone). When he discovers his best friend Harry Styles is actually madly in love with him, things couldn't get worse for the pair. Admist all the sex and jealousy, they forget what truly was the meaning behind the story. Love. Although they repeat it over and over to each-other, no-one really understands until it's too late.Tutti i diritti riservati
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