"O marturie tulburatoare"
Sa fie o nenorocire faptul ca te-ai nascut femeie? Pentru ea,cu siguranta,Suad are 17 ani si e indragostita.In satul sau,la fel ca in multe altele,dragostea nu exista dupa casatorie,daca nu resprecti aceasta lege,atunci iubirea inseamna moarte.
Fiindca isi dezonoreaza familia ,parintii il pun pe cumnatul ei s-o ucida.In ochii tuturor,acest om este un erou,caci fapta lui se numeste crima in numele onoarei,cand de fapt,el nu e decat un asasin las.
Desfigurata in urma arsurilor si salvata printr-un miracol Suad se hotaraste sa vorbeasca ...
O carte-document care socheaza si care ne zguduie din temelii existenta...
In this book, you'll get a behind the scenes look at how your favorite characters were born, my creative process, and the dirty details never before revealed.
Tex's Camp Q&A: Come sit by the fire and ask me whatever you'd like. We can roast marshmallows, tell scary stories, and hang out in the comments like a big, happy family.
Gator's Backstage Pass: A place full of secrets. Learn the-sometimes embarrassing-details on how my wildest scenes came to life, facts about the characters, the process, and myself.