What it says on the tin -- Crankiplier one-shots! Please read and enjoy :3 Warnings, if any, will be at the beginning of each chapter, but this will probably be mostly fluff. Probably. Feel free to leave suggestions for one-shots in the comments! No guarantee that I'll do them, but at the very least they'll give me ideas lol
Disclaimer: These are not meant to disrespect to Mark, Ethan, or Amy in any way, I 100% respect the relationships they're in and I hope they stay in them and are happy together for a long, long time. I don't think that Mark and Ethan ever have been, currently are, or probably ever will be in a relationship, I just wanted to write something and have fun. If you or anyone you know is a character in these fics then what!! Are you doing here?!??!??? Please turn back now how did you even get this far, please leave you weren't meant to read this.