They say pussy is power and I use it to my every advantage. Bliss is my name thotting is my game and my pussy run shit with no muthafukin shame. I tell people all the time I'm a low key rapper. A lot of haters like to shrug me off but fuck em that's what I'll always say. Now let me keep it real. My real name isn't bliss it's Tajasi bulisa Alore. Intials to be announced. lol Anyway, I came up with the name bliss from my middle name. Everyone pretty much calls me that except my best friend Raine. She calls me thotta. She's been calling me that since we met in college. "You a whole lotta thotta" Yeah she made that one up. Let's put it this way, I was very sexually open. My body count in college was a good 20-30. Some in which I don't count because the dick was.. nevermind you know the ones that DON'T COUNT SUS. Click read to continue 🙂 Add this to your reading list!