Set against the political turmoil of Southern Africa in the mid 1900s, The Rattle of Seeds tells the story of two young men. Martin, a product of colonial Africa, qualifies as a physician. He is intelligent and deeply sensitive - even a little tortured. He struggles with relationships and lacks self-esteem. Mandla, a Swazi, grows up in a traditional, rural homestead. He is streetwise, confident and promiscuous. Constrained by their very different cultural backgrounds, this is their journey from boyhood to manhood. Both face tragedy. The Rattle of Seeds reveals their hopes and dreams for the future, their loves, their setbacks and successes, as they forge an unlikely, but deeply meaningful friendship, and grow in self-awareness and maturity.
What happens when our very own MSD is the rope in a tug of war.
But a tug of war between whom?
His bros and kiddos?
This book is a work of fiction and I obviously dont know any of the characters personally so how I portray them in the story in completely based on my imagination and none of this is real. I dont mean to offend any one by my characterization.