11 parts Ongoing The tale of a mother and her children escaping their abuser/torturer's abode, fleeing their home planet and ending up on a foreign planet know as Earth. There she runs into an old and hated foe and befriends the unlikely heroes of Earth called: The Avengers.
Join her and her children on their journey of life and death, love and hate, the forgiven and the forsaken as she learns to love again and forgive the wrongs of years long past and finds a revenge for the pain, she and her family went through in years now past.
I don't own Marvel or any Marvel characters. I own the OC, her children, and any other OCs or NPCs of the story. Based in the Marvel Universe and around the Marvel movies. Scenes/story have been altered to fit the narrative of the story. There will be a mix of Norse mythology in the story as well.
Your POV in 2nd person with other POVs sprinkled in as well.
Also, as I write/publish more chapters, I will be updating pervious chapters of missing or changed details. So, if something doesn't make sense, I recommend re-reading the pervious chapters for the missing or changed details/information. And most chapters will be quite long. Think 3000+ words.