Holly has been doing beauty pageants since she was old enough to walk, with the guidance of her mother. Competing in the difficult industry soon becomes her world, as she becomes homeschooled just to train everyday. And Holly loves it, because it's all she's ever known.
She begins to crave the victorious taste of winning. The awed and jealous looks she receives from complete strangers. And best of all, the feeling of being absolutely beautiful. Flawless.
Holly learns soon, that beauty is power, and should never be underestimated. With her mother's consent, she teaches herself to constantly exercise, diet, and think about anything, absolutely anything but eating. Her goal to be perfect soon reaches a new level, when she realises that it's becoming horribly unhealthy, and slowly into an eating disorder.
Now, it's up to Holly to decide whether she wants to get the help she needs, or if she will continue to delve deeper into the world of anorexia, to see if 'perfection' truly exists.