Lord Quetzalcoatl strode down the corridor, his claws clicking on the tile. Guards bowed to him as he swept through, repeating the ancient law that all dragons were royalty, and deserved to be treated with respect. The Lord reached a fine talon out and rapped on the King's door.
"Come in." The King called out. The door in front of Lord Quetzalcoatl swung open with a clang, and the dragon maneuvered himself delicately into the room. The King stood, and bowed. "Lord Quetzalcoatl, whatever do I owe the pleasure?" King asked. The dragon flared his nostrils.
"King, it has come to my attention that your son, the Prince Ladron, has murdered one of my folk." The King looked around the room, panicked.
"And did you find out why?" King asked. Quetzalcoatl flicked his tail, then reached out with a talon and tore the Lord's amulet off of the King's neck.
"The reason does not matter, King. But hear this: The Lords and Ladies are withdrawing themselves from your country. The amulets will vanish, along with any blessing or gift. Your son has violated the peace treaty. If anyone follows, or attacks us, I swear on my dead sister, then your country will no longer have any living human as long as the dragons walk this earth. Good day, Sire." And with that, Quetzalcoatl strode from the room, fire flaring from his nose.
"Bring me my son." The King demanded to a guard. The guard nodded, and returned with Ladron. With a single sweep of his sword, the King beheaded his son. "He violated the treaty." The King said to the room. "The penalty for that has always been death. And it always shall be."
The dragons removed their peace treaty from the humans and withdrew themselves from society, taking with them the magic Lord's and Lady's amulets, the dragon-gift tokens that bestowed magic and long life upon the wearer. But then Samara Draco-Filia is given one as a gift. How is it she has one?
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.