After a devastating war between the gods and goddesses of Olympus, the goddesses emerge victorious, ushering in a new era. With Hera as Queen of Olympus, all traces of men are wiped from the Greek world, and a matriarchal society rises. A century later, Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, grows curious about this transformed mortal world and descends to explore. What begins as a simple act of curiosity leads her to fall deeply in love with Kassandra, the Queen of Sparta, and together they have a daughter, Amora.
Amora, born of both divine and mortal blood, carries within her the potential to shape the fate of the Greek world. But her unique lineage also makes her a target. At the age of ten, threats from enemies both mortal and divine force her parents to send her away, hiding her on a secluded island far from Sparta.
Now grown and trained as a warrior, Amora sets out on a journey across the Greek world. Driven by a desire to reunite with her parents and uncover the truth of her destiny, she must navigate a world filled with political intrigue, divine rivalries, and looming war. As she searches for the key to saving her fractured world, Amora discovers that her greatest challenge lies in accepting the power-and responsibility-that comes with her extraordinary heritage.
Beauty Beyond Skin Deep (Aphrodite!Todomatsu and Reader)
6 parts Complete
6 parts
A simple life with a father and step-mother. That's all you wanted.
Things get a little crazy when the goddess of love and beauty decides to barge into your life quite literally, interrupting a calm day at your family's flower shop and leaving just as suddenly.
With things suddenly turning from the simple dream you wanted to a chaotic life that seems to completely revolve around Aphrodite, you can only wait and see how long this Greek goddess of beauty will stay interested in you as entertainment while acting as a doll for the immortal goddess to play with at their whim...but will the initial interest turn into something more than either of you bargained for?
A short story gifted to ara_jhoo. Go check out their artwork!
Started on January 8, 2022.
This is an Osomatsu-san fan fiction.
Cover art owned by ara_jhoo, all rights reserved.