This story takes place on Pangaea, nearly 300 million years ago when the seven continents were conjoined.
Follow the story of Minri Radale, 19 years of age, born and raised in a village known as Aansodir. Unlike many of her peers, Minri is Natured, she is blessed with abilities that surpass that of a normal human. Her life these past 6 years since she came into her abilities has been seemingly rough. She is one of a handful of Natured beings in her village, and the only one in her family...and her father never lets her forget it.
Soon her slow-paced village lifestyle will be challenged. Forces beyond the safe walls of her village churn menacingly. An unknown presence lurks both outside and inside the walls and it threatens to destroy everything she holds dear. Old enemies emerge while new enemies don't hesitate to make themselves known.
Welcome to the Land.
Terms to know:
Natured- Beings with abilities.
Non-Natured/Unnatured- Humans or beings without abilities.
House- Human Family. Determined by head of the family. If the head of the household is a Human, the rest of the family is considered a House.
Kindred- Natured Family. Determined by head of the family. If the head of the household is Natured, the rest of the family is considered a Kindred.
Minri (Mhin-Ree)
Radale (Ruh-Doll-Ee)
Alavoir (Al-Uh-Vwa)
Aansodir (On-Zoh-Deer)
Marra (Marr-Uh)
Davin (Dah-Vinn)
Licitrus (Lih-Sit-Truss)
Bastian (Bhass-Chen)
Twevryn (Tweh-Vrinn)
Elawych (Ell-Uh-Wick)
Ki'Ven (Kih-Venn)
Sivairin (Sih-Vair-In)
Etienne (Eh-Tee-Enn)
In the epic conclusion to the Devil's Deal series, Freya has one final chance to discover the full potential of her own power, and to use it to restore balance in the universe - once and for all. After the destruction caused by Roisin, Ferya and Torix come to terms with their losses and mistakes... And prepare for a final battle that will change everything.