all the little things I see in your soul, the simple things that connect more strings to you. you intrigue me, dear. you are a poet of your own soul and I am a poet of words and together our harmonies will create symphonies that will be remembered by our ghosts. the themes of love and loss and grief and the emotions we can't name. these words are for the broken and the healing and the healed and the people on this planet who need to hear them. whoever you are, thanks for being my you
disclaimer: all photos as background images in each chapter are NOT mine, credit goes to whoever took/created the photos. the story cover is mine, i'd prefer if you wouldn't replicate it because it has words on it, but i used Canva to create it. i suggest checking it out. ALL OF THE WRITING IN THIS BOOK IS MY OWN WORDS, I DO NOT COPY OTHER AUTHORS. IF THERE IS SOME RELATION TO OTHER BOOKS, THEMES OR PHRASES THAT SOUND ALIKE, I ASSURE YOU THERE IS NO CORRELATION- IT IS COMPLETELY COINCIDENTAL. THESE ARE MY OWN PERSONAL QUOTES.
If you have questions about anything at all, feel free to comment or post a message! Thank you for reading and I hope you can relate to some if not all chapters in this compilation. ~ OC, with love