Blame it on me. Those were the words sobbed out as if the words were punishing Draco Malfoy in his room in the Heads' wing on the third floor of Hogwarts. It's not my fault. These were the words whispered like a prayer by Hermione Granger in her room in the Head's wing on the third floor of Hogwarts. It's funny, in an obscure way, how different the two were. One was begging for the blame, to be punished for the war that he felt responsible for. The other was begging for the blame to be lifted from her, hoping that if she told herself enough times, she'd believe herself. Both shared more in common than they knew. Luckily for them, Dumbledore had one last trick up his sleeve before he was gone for good. They were going to see each other, they were going to know each other, and if all goes according to Dumbledore's plan, they were going to love each other. • • • Takes place after the war and all characters who died throughout all HP books are dead in this book. Dark themes but there will surely be lots of love, humor, and healing. Inspired by the song Blame It On Me by Post MaloneAll Rights Reserved