The story revolves around a girl named Mizushima Mari [水嶋 茉莉], who was adopted by her foster father, Hinata Rintarou [日向 麟太郎], a famous world traveler. Two years have passed and Rintarou decides to marry Asahina Miwa [朝日奈 美和], a famous fashion designer, with 13 sons. Mari was sent to the Sunrise Residence, where her new hot stepbrothers live. But little did she know that they are starting to have romantic feelings towards her?! Also her childhood friend from the orphanage, Kuruma Haruka [車 遙] comes back to confess his true feelings to her.
Will love and rivalry blossom?
What will happen to Mari's peaceful life?
Will she be falling in love with one of his brothers or with his childhood friend?
"I own some new characters and plots which are not in the real story."
Animation: Brain's Base, FUNIMATION
Created by: Atsuko Kanase
Written by: Takeshi Mizuno
Illustrated by: Udajo
Game Developer: Idea Factory
Artwork of the cover belongs to: Ilya Kuvshinov
❝You must like that backspace so bad, Taehyung. You kept on typing messages but delete them immediately afterwards. Does that describe you? Do you usually do something and then regret it enough to take it back?❞
Curious and full of positivity, Lee Miyun makes the first move on her anti-social schoolmate, Kim Taehyung, as she aims to dig deep into the secrets behind his scars.
Highest Ranking: #1 in Fanfiction on 19/12/16