68 parts Complete Every genre of writing has its mindset and set of expectations. Genres are the tool for creativity and provide various perspectives to tell your story in different ways. Writing can make you to go into different worlds.
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About the creator x.villam
One day, as I was scrolling through my music library, I stumbled upon a song that caught my attention. It was a very superficial pop-style music, but with an instrumental that was surprisingly pleasing to the ears. At first, I was hesitant to listen to it, as I usually preferred more meaningful and deep music. But then I thought to myself, why limit myself to just one genre? From that day on, I decided to open my ears to all kinds of music. I started exploring different genres, from Latin to rock, to country. It was quite amusing four my friends when they rode in my car and heard the music switch from one genre to another. I also started listening to music in other languages. I found that I enjoyed the sound of different languages and how they added a unique element to the music. Sometimes I would listen to songs that were bilingual, blending two languages seamlessly. I discovered a whole new world of music that I never knew existed. Each genre and language brought a different emotion and vibe, and I loved experiencing the diversity in music. It was like traveling around the world through music, discovering new cultures and sounds. So, what genres do you listen to? And what language do you like to listen to in music? Let's keep exploring and expanding our music horizons together.
This is a place with music and writing!
If you follow me, I will follow you whenever I am active.