22 parts Ongoing MatureIn this magical tale set at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Jenna Albright is ready for a new school year filled with excitement and challenges. As the daughter of the Potions professor, Jenna often feels the weight of expectations, but she's eager to reunite with her friends and decorate her new dorm room. However, everything changes when a mysterious new student, Matthew Riddle, arrives. Rumored to be the son of Voldemort, Matthew's presence sends whispers through the school, and Jenna can't shake the feeling that there's more to him than the rumors suggest.
As Jenna navigates her complicated relationship with her boyfriend Jack, and the tension surrounding Matthew grows, she soon finds herself caught between old friendships, new mysteries, and dark secrets. The question is: can she trust her instincts, or will the dark legacy of Matthew Riddle consume everything around her?