It seemed as if everything had happened brief minutes ago, however, that was never the case when it came to the lives of those who dwell at Oletus Mental Hospital, 'Oletus Manor', as they preferred to call it. It had already been weeks, but time perception falters once you lack the motivation to seek for an escape, or once your own mind begins to betray yourself.
All the patients had once received a letter with a big, maroon stamp on them, keeping them safe from unwanted eyes. They sought a goal back then and this mere objective would shortly become their misfortune. Distorted images of themselves found their way to the survivors' minds, those who had stayed strong match after match, having several different impacts on the soon to become patients... or were those memories trifling hallucinations and creations of their own, damaged minds? These thoughts remained the same in all four patients, despite the noticeable variations on their motivation to flee. It had never been a problem for Dr. Desaulniers, the hypnotist, to figure out which exact made-up memories were being displayed on his patients' minds as if it was a film roll. Nonetheless, Dr. Rorschach, the physician, seemed to agree with their urge to escape.
* This fanfic is based on Season 6 Memory Essence's skins, so please keep that in mind.