After the Kengan Annihilation tournament and the Nogi Group taking over as the Kengan chairman and with a new recruiting system by Yamashita Trading inc. the fights in the secret underground are more safe and ever. Following just after the year of the tournament, a new tournament arrises. not one as big as the Kengan Annihilation tournament but a tournament for the riches. The winner of the tournament would win 10 trillion dollars cash and five mega project around the globe to heavily increase each company's business. Companies set their eyes on the prize and are already hiring the biggest and newest fighters for the prize. Some are even hiring the ones who partook in the Kengan Annihilation tournament. And as the company recruit fighters. A new fighter enters the arena. Warning: This fanfic will contain spoilers for those who haven't finished Kengan Ashura and if you do not want to be spoiled, please feel free to finish Kengan Ashura first. This book will also contain Gore and smut and foul languages.All Rights Reserved