Hinata Shouyo is an eager Omega excited to begin his college experience and play Volleyball. Hinata fights his nerves as he travels to his new den house to meet his new family. Overall happy to be with them Hinata doesn't take long to form a lot of pack bonds with his pack members as they prepare for this year's Volleyball season and try their best to survive prank attacks and sabotages from their rival pack and Volleyball team. However, a certain raven-haired Alpha who Hinata can't seem to get along with despite their perfect quicks on the Volleyball court tends to always catch his inner Omega's eyes. Kageyama is always there to offer the ginger Omega an insult when its needed the least but what happens when a unexpected attraction blossoms between the two? Will a courtship form and a bond be made or will Hinata refuse to listen to his inner Omega when it tells Hinata that its meant to be. ''' I'm not writing about Kageyama leaving for the volleyball camp or Hinata leaving for Brazil because I'm a lil bitch and I don't want them separated so this is just a shameless way for me to have my favorite ship together without them leaving each other even tho they end up seeing each other again in the show I hated them being apart lol! Cover art is not mine!! Full credit goes to the original artist. Cross posted to my Ao3All Rights Reserved