My plans for the future. Follow me as we pull an avatar and go to sleep in an iceberg, totally one upping his sleep record, and instead of being a positive force to end a war you take advantage of to take over you world. Cause why not? I don't see anything better to do might as well. Of course I can still be a positive role model. Not a bad person here. Honestly once I take over the world I'll probably just put someone else in charge(minus the whole having people see me as an evil overlord and get stabbed like in that one anime. I'd like to seen as an angel until the end😤) and go off somewhere else. I'll figure my plans after...maybe reopen Wendy's or something? Anyways welcome to my shitty ass timeline inspired by some of my friends~ Note: Yeah so this isn't to be taken serious one bit I have this up for some friends but I would be happy if anyone else that comes across this enjoys it. This is all pretty much for laughs and shit to help with how crappy everything is right yeah I'll share with you how my mind makes up some of the worst stories on the spot. Anyone from the chat I hope y'all enjoy(or at least get) my crappy reference~!