Collection of Star Wars OC ficlets because quarantine has me bored out of my mind.
no editing, we die like men!!
Current cast of characters:
• Bies Midek [byes mai-deck]
Jedi Master (Consular) born on Mandalore, lore keeper and historian/archivist before the Clone Wars, General of the 1st Spectre Corps.
• Isolda Vince XI
Grand Duchess of the Outer-Rim world Entralla, Separatist, head of prominent Entrallan Force-sensitive family House Vince.
• Nines, CC-8493
Clone Commander of the 9th Reigment and 773rd Battalion of the 1st Spectre Corps, recipient of the Jaig Eyes.
• Ticket, CT-7589
Team sniper in the Demon Squad of the 773rd.
• Valera Kazat / Revan* the Grey
Ex-Jedi Knight (Consular) and ex-Dark Lord of the Sith (as Darth Revan), Revanchist, Prodigal Knight, just a simple woman, trying to make her way in the universe.
*not technically OC, but as KotOR is an RPG, she varies significantly from legends Revan (the male "canon" one).
Current ficlets:
Bies checks in with Nines over holotransmission.
[I try to sort out Nines's personality to little avail.]
"The Revanchist"
Revan and Malak have their final confrontation.
[I try to make their final meeting more poignant to little avail.]
"LOG 52"
Bies has trouble heeding Master Kenobi's final message.