In the fast-paced world of hip-hop, 19-year-old rapper Vivian Anubis, known as Vivi, finds herself on a whirlwind tour alongside the enigmatic Ruby da Cherry and a crew of talented artists including $crim, Pouya, Germ, and her best friend, photographer Max Beck. As the tour unfolds, Vivi discovers that life on the road is more than just beats, rhymes, and a bunch of grown men trying on her clothes; it's a journey of self-discovery and unexpected emotions.
Caught in the chaotic rhythm of concerts and late-night sessions, Vivi harbors a secret admiration for Ruby, but the fear of jeopardizing their friendship and the dynamics of the tour keeps her feelings buried. As she navigates the complexities of friendship, fame, and the intimate threads of the heart, Vivi is faced with a choice that could resonate far beyond the tour bus.
may contain adult themes.
As Scott Arceneaux comes across a strange girl who's in need of help, he takes her into his care and finds out that they get along pretty well. Scott lives with his cousin Aristos Petrou who had just gained a big popularity in the rap game with a label called 'G59 Records' as they both drop music through the name $uicideboy$. Him and his cousin were constantly using drugs to avoid their problems and fill the void of their trauma and tragedy's, but can Scott turn his life over before he loses a girl he swore to protect?
#1 in WETTO
#1 in RUBYDACHERRY. 6/4/2024
#1 in SUICIDEBOYS 8/19/2024
#1 in G59 11/12/2024