"All my life I have been alone, no one whom understood me,no one wanted to understand me.I thought the only people i could rely on where in my house, myself and my brother. No one else. To think, that I, the most talented witch in the world am going through this, because my surname is a curse.."
Helena Marius Riddle was a badass with a goodass, she was smart, charismatic and quick witted, exactly like her older brother had been. Not many people knew who he was but there were a few who did, people feared her,revered her and straight up wanted to be her in secret, there was nothing this girl couldn't do and the marauders,especially James, made it his mission to find out what made her tick.
A girl who walked on a tightrope of fate, and evil lurking within the confines of the castle, and a boy who wants nothing more than to be right beside her fighting.
All rights reserved to J.K Rowling.
"Lying is our defense function. We believe that words will be able to fill all the missing gaps. Liars want to be secretive, but known. People have always wanted to be noticed, to be seen by someone. Our nature is easy. We want to be important, even if only for one person. But ambitious people want more, but that doesn't mean they don't need basic needs too. They want it too. They actually need it. So they take it, because they think it's theirs.
Aurora saw him, or rather saw the illusion he created for her. He loved watching her adore him. From the moment she smiled at him, Tom knew what he had to do. Although at first he insisted it was just stupid curiosity.
But it wasn't curiosity.
May all the Gods and Merlin himself protect Aurora..."
Love is weak, nothing good can come of it. Nothing good can come of it when a psychopath from Slytherin fell in love with a sweet girl.
Their destiny was written in the stars, but tragedy also flowed in their veins.
For a time, they were really good.
Aurora Carmen was Tom Riddle's great love, but also the reason he became Lord Voldemort.
She had to appear so that he could be reborn.