Welcome to Zodiac High Adam Aquarius-male (January 20th to February 19th) Pat Pisces-male (February 20th to March 20th) Aaron Aries-male (March 21th to April 20th) Thomas Taurus-male (April 21th to May 20th) Garvin Gemini and Grayson Gemini-male (May 21th to June 20th) Carlos Cancer-male (June 21th to July 22th) Leah Leo-female (July 23th to August 22th) Violet Virgo-female (August 23th to September 22th) Lydia Libra-female (September 23th to October 22th) Spirit Scorpio-female (October 23th to November 22th) Sara Sagittarius-female (November 23th to December 21th) Charlotte Capricorn-female (December 22th to January 19th) *lgbtq in story*