I watched as Scott turns his back to me, "S-Scott no, you don't mean that dude, y-you're my brother." He shook his head and faced me with hatred, "No Stiles, just leave already! Get out! The pack doesn't need you, your just a weak defenseless human that gets in the way! Just look at Allison, Erica, Boyd, Aiden! Stiles! They're all recovering from the last attack, just leave please."
And So I did I left everyone alone and stayed away, but within those few weeks I felt alone. So this is what it feels like to be abandoned by your pack, alone and completely lost. Until I ran into them like literally I ran into them, they walked in and I just ran into them.
This child cannot lead a pack, damn I wish I was born a wolf. Because this child doesn't know how to act as an alpha, like seriously he needs help. And this other boy, he is very intelligent, and he needs someone to watch over him. He needs comfort and love, and those two things are something Valentine and I can give him.