25 capítulos Concluído Four kids. Four houses.
Everyone at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry believes that no friendship can exist between all four houses. Rivalries blossom between Gryffindors and Slytherins and show themselves daily. Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs make friends within their own houses. How could four kids, belonging to houses with such diverse personalities, become lasting friends?
But that's exactly what happens.
Four first years arrive at Hogwarts, fresh eleven-year-olds who have no idea what they're doing: Merida of Gryffindor, Jack of Slytherin, Hiccup of Hufflepuff, and Rapunzel of Ravenclaw. The boys are instantly inseparable. Merida and Jack develop a hatred to rival even that of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Rapunzel, the bystander, watches as the three deal with each other. Quite suddenly, in a meeting half of the school is watching, the four somehow forget their differences and can't remember them.
Of course, no one thinks it will last. But first year passes, and they're still friends. Second year flies by, and nothing has changed. Third year comes and goes, and their bond is still strong.
And then fourth year arrives.
Something has happened over the summer. Differences are upon all four. One is hiding something, something big. Another has been acting strangely and won't let anything slip. How far will the other two go to discover the secrets? Will the miraculous friendship survive them?
With Harry Potter around the school with them, nothing is the same every day!