Shh! Ready to go behind the scenes of your favorite books?
You're here because maybe, like us, you're going through story withdrawal. But now, we're here to help. With videos and articles going in-depth on backstories and easter eggs. With recipes and costumes and languages.
And with never-before-seen DOCUMENTARIES on the author and their journey to bringing their books to life.
In this book, we (the two friends) behind The Readers Secret invite you to join us as we bring this thing to life. It's gonna be exciting.
You'll also find The Reader's Secret official survey and some of the ideas other have suggested. Feel free to read through some of the other suggestions before you fill out the survey yourself. If you stumble upon an idea you really like, tell us again! The more people we have asking for the same thing, the more likely we are to do it.
No werewolves were harmed in the making of this project.