He reached down to the paper that fell out of her pocket. It looked old, as if it has been unfolded many times. -Excuse me? You dropped that.- It would've been nothing more than that. He looked at it. He thought about it. She was gone. -It's just a piece of paper anyways.- But it sure as hell wasn't. It seemed loved. It seemed important. He unfolded it. // 1. Sneak out × 2. Go to a festival × 3. Roadtrip × 4. Get a tattoo 5. Save a life 6. Kiss in the rain 7. Kill a snowman in Canada 8. Work at Starbucks 9. Own a shitload of flannels × 10. Organize a wedding 11. Get really drunk × 12. Steal a streetsign × 13. Do a graffiti 14. Get an apartement with Bailey 15. Finish this list // He folded the paper again and put it into the pocket of his black denim jacket, where it was burried along with keys and a strip of gum. Then he followed his friend to the exit.All Rights Reserved